Create persistent local SSH server forwarding with autossh

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So you want to be able to SSH into your home or office computer A, but it is not accessible from the internet? No problem, if you have internet accessible computer B (e.g. VPS), you can make A establish a secure connection to B and then connect to A through B from any other computer. Also, you can make this AB connection to be reestablished automatically in case of failure. Nice, huh?

This one is similar to persistent SSH proxy setup. Preparation part is exactly the same, so if you've already done that, you may skip it and go straight to persistent local SSH server forwarding configuration.

After each file and command there will be a location label: @computer for your local computer, @server for remote server — so that you don't get confused what to do/get/put where.


  1. Create proxy user on the server:
    sudo adduser ergo-proxy @server

  2. Set up key based authentication for
    We will assume that you private key is ~/.ssh/id_rsa_proxy @computer and that you can successfully connect (thus is in known hosts list).

  3. Install autossh:
    sudo apt install autossh @computer

  4. Create a systemd service for keeping connection alive with autossh @computer:

    mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user

    sudo tee ~/.config/systemd/user/autossh@.service << EOF
    Description = Keeps a '%i' tunnel alive
    After =
    Conflicts =
    ExecStart = /usr/bin/env autossh -M 0 -NTq %i
    Restart = always
    RestartSec = 60
    WantedBy =
  5. Disable shell for proxy user:
    sudo chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin ergo-proxy @server

Create persistent local SSH server forwarding

  1. Install local SSH server:
    sudo apt install ssh @computer

  2. Create barebones SSH server config @computer, making it only listen localhost, leaving most other settings to defaults:

    sudo tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config << EOF
    ListenAddress localhost
    PermitRootLogin no
    # PasswordAuthentication no # Uncomment if you only use key authentication
    AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
  3. Restart SSH server to apply config changes:
    sudo service ssh restart @computer

  4. Add SSH client config for SSH forwarding @computer:

    sudo tee -a ~/.ssh/config << EOF
    Host ssh-server-forward
        User ergo-proxy
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_proxy
        RemoteForward 52222 localhost:22
        ServerAliveInterval 30
        ServerAliveCountMax 3
  5. Enable and start persistent SSH server forwarding service:
    systemctl --user --now enable autossh@ssh-server-forward @computer

  6. That's it! Now you can SSH to your computer from anywhere using as a proxy:
    ssh -J computer-user@localhost -p 52222 @anywhere

    For easier use you would probably want to set connection settings in SSH client config on those computers you plan to often connect from (like your work computer). Something like this lets you connect with just ssh home:

    Host proxy
        User ergo-proxy
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_proxy
    Host home
        Hostname localhost
        Port 52222
        User home-user
        ProxyJump proxy
        # IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_home

    Don't forget to copy private key used in IdentityFile from your computer. You might also want to set up key based authentication for your home computer user, so you don't have to enter password at all.